Plots & Sales
The Beechworth Public Cemetery offers a range of options in regard to the interment, or future interment of the deceased, (i.e. burial in the Lawn Cemetery, double plot, ashes interment in the Memorial Wall, Memorial Garden, or family grave following a cremation etc.).

Reserving a Plot or Niche
Have you given any thought to reserving a plot or niche at the Beechworth Public Cemetery?
Plots and niches are available for reservation in the Beechworth lawn cemeteries for the interment of human remains. Please refer to the current Fee Structure for the costs associated with reserving a plot or niche. The reservation of a plot or niche is referred to as 'Right of Interment', as the Trust issue the person(s) who have reserved a plot or niche with a Right of Interment Deed (Certificate) when full payment and required documentation has been received.
The Trust’s requirement that headstones must comply with commonality with existing monuments as per the Monuments Policy.
Surrender your reserved plot
If you wish to surrender your reserved plot or niche please contact the Beechworth Public Cemetery Trust. The Trust uses the recommended fee scale for surrender of a Right of Interment that is issued by the Department of Health and Human Services to determine the surrender value.
For reservations in the Lawn Cemetery (headstone or desktop), the Beechworth Public Cemetery Trust requires the person(s) who is issued with the Right of Interment to install a blank headstone or desktop within twelve (12) months of the date of the Right of Interment being issued.
If a reserved plot in the lawn cemetery is surrendered with a monument in place, the Beechworth Public Cemetery Trust will not be responsible for:
- Costs for the removal of the monument; and
- Compensation for any financial outlay associated with the monument.
Find a plot
Beechworth Cemetery Chronicle is an online digital mapping system which indicates the exact location of a gravesite by simply inserting a deceased name. It gives the plot details, date the person was buried, other people in the grave and shows where the plot is in the cemetery.
Fees & Charges
Given the extensive nature of the fees structure, it is recommended that queries be directed to The Trust who can assist and guide you in regard to making a suitable selection.
For those wishing to utilise the Cemetery facilities, a two page Fees & Charges is attached for public information. The fee structure can also be accessed on the Department of Health & Human Services website.